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Student Code of Conduct

Record Retention, Reporting, & Guardian Notification

Student Conduct Record Retention & Reporting

All student conduct records that involve the Division of Enrollment & Student Affairs are kept and maintained by the Office of Student Conduct for seven years and are considered educational records.

Outcomes resulting in suspension or expulsion will be retained permanently and may be reported with the consent of the student upon request to third-party entities such as graduate schools, employers, military branches, etc. as required by law. Outcomes resulting in conduct probation or deferred suspension will be retained for seven years and may be reported with the consent of the student upon request to third-party entities such as graduate schools, employers, military branches, etc. as required by law. Outcomes resulting in formal warnings or lower will not be reported to third-party entities. Records of pending incidents are kept indefinitely. Seven years from the date of resolution, all eligible student conduct records will be destroyed.

Parental & Guardian Notification

The University of Montevallo believes that parents and guardians can be influential and positive partners in encouraging healthy behaviors focused on student success. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) gives the University the option to notify parents or guardians about specific types of information from a student’s conduct record. The University may share information with parents or guardians when students are found responsible for violating our alcohol or drug policy and are under the age of 21. Other than FERPA exceptions, the student must consent before releasing the record to or sharing case-specific information with parents or guardians.