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Department of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics & Computer Science


The Department of Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics offers five minors. We are proud to offer our newest areas of study on campus: Game Studies and Design and Computer Science. Take a minute to look at our exciting and challenging minors listed below.


The Biology minor consists of BIO 105: Introductory Biology I and BIO 106: Introductory Biology II; BIO 205: Ecology or BIO 206: Genetics; and eight additional hours in biology courses, with at least four hours from courses numbered 300 or above.


The Chemistry minor consists of CHEM 121: General Chemistry I; CHEM 122: General Chemistry II; CHEM 221: Organic Chemistry I; CHEM 222: Organic Chemistry II; CHEM 320: Analytical Chemistry and one additional four hour course numbered 300 or above (see department for options).


A Mathematics minor consist of MATH 170: Calculus I, MATH 171: Calculus II, MATH 272: Calculus III, and at least six hours of MATH electives at the 200 level or above.

Computer Science

A minor in Computer Science requires 18 credit hours. Learn more about the Computer Science minor.

Computer Science Minor

Game Studies & Design

UM’s newest minor is also one of its more innovative and unique. The Game Studies and Design minor explores the historical and cultural impact of video games, board games, card games and every other kind of game imaginable. This curriculum draws from a variety of disciplines including marketing, mathematics, sociology and more, making it one of the truest examples of interdisciplinary learning you’ll ever come across.
Learn More about Game Studies & Design